Ayurvedic Clock: Flow with the Energy of the Day

Have you noticed that there are certain points in the day that just feel different? Like fundamentally, the energy just isn't the same? The Ayurveda guys noticed that too and they charted it and figured out what kinds of energy to expect when with the ayurvedic clock. [This post contains affiliate links]


In Ayurveda (sanskrit for life knowledge), there are three personality and energy types that apply to people and times of the day. These mind-body types are called doshas and each have their own distinct characteristics.

Vata is composed of air and space. Vata means that which moves things and is considered to be windy and light. Vata is active, expressive, and creative. Physically, vata is dry, rough, light, cold, subtle, and mobile. Vata controls communication, creativity, flexibility, and quickness of thought. Vatas need grounding, warming, and routine.

Pitta is made of fire and water. Pitta means that which cooks and the water element helps with flow. Pitta helps with digestion and metabolism in the body. Pitta is oily, sharp, hot, light, moving, liquid, and acidic. Pitta controls joy, courage, willpower, anger, jealousy, and mental perception. It also provides the radiant light of the intellect. Pittas need cooling, calming, and moderation.

Kapha is made of Earth and water. It means that which sticks. Kapha builds and keeps things moving smoothly. It is the essential cement, glue, and lubrication of the body in one. Kapha is moist, cold, heavy, dull, soft, sticky, and static. Kapha controls love, patience, forgiveness, greed, attachment, and mental inertia. Kaphas need drying, stimulating, and expression.

For more on doshas, visit Eat Taste Heal. For a quiz to see your dosha, visit the Chopra Center.

The Ayurvedic Clock

The times of each dosha are the same for AM and PM on the ayurvedic clock.

From 2 to 6 am it's an airy vata period. The body is in a creative dreaming state. If you can swing it, this is a beautiful time to wake up and start the day in an almost dream-like state with meditation or your yoga practice. It's good for visualization and creativity. This is also the preferred time for elimination.

Kapha comes next in the morning from 6 am to 10 am. This is a heavy time for easing into the day calmly and slowly and gathering energy. It's good to have a light breakfast and being work.

Pitta spans from 10 am- 2 pm. This is an energetic time where the body is warm and work can be done. This is the best time to eat and digest your biggest meal of the day when your agni or inner fire is strong with pitta energy. This is a good time to do challenging work and take action.

Vata comes next from 2 pm to 6 pm. This is when most people feel most alert and creative. It's a good time for problem-solving and new projects. It's a good time to think about what needs to be done tomorrow. This is another good time to exercise. It's also a good time to socialize. It's good to have a light, early dinner during this time.

Kapha cools down your evening from 6 pm to 10 pm. This time is for slowly unwinding and cooling down from the day. It's a time to be with family then start turning within.

From 10 pm- 2 am at night, it's another Pitta time. This time is great for organ healing and restoration. The body is processing the food and events of the day. It's not wise to eat in this period. If you don't fall asleep before this time, the body builds heat and energy and it can be difficult to fall asleep.

The ayurvedic clock is govered by the mind-body energy of the different doshas throughout the day.  Synchronize yourself with the ayurvedic energies


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