Dark Side: Let's dig deep into some shadow work

We all have a dark side. We have pieces of ourselves that we try to hide, conceal, or ignore.


And a lot of the time that goes about as smoothly as trying to push a beachball underwater...


It pops back up and smacks us right in the face.



Hiding the shadow parts can also be like the phases of the moon- sometimes we're willing to show it all and be our full selves.


Other times, we show just a portion of our true selves. The rest is still there- we're still whole under the shadow. Whether we embrace those parts or not, they're part of what us complete.


And in the new moon or dark moon, perhaps we send "a representative" - a false version of ourselves to do the things that need to be done, rather than exposing our rocky craters.

^ An astrologer took this photo using my phone, looking through his HUGE telescope when we were in Arizona. It was a gorgeous night!

As we approach this total eclipse in Aries (on Monday, April 8), I wanted to share a few ideas that you could reflect on:


  • what parts of yourself have you been keeping in the shadows?

  • what situations make you want to protect/hide your full self?

  • what would you like to clear, cleanse or release with this eclipse?

  • what parts of yourself are you most likely to allow to shine brightly?


I also heard an activity recently that I thought was VERY applicable to this eclipse energy time and the concept of shadow work. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What traits bother you most when you see them in others?

  2. How do you see those same traits manifest in yourself?

  3. What do you do to try to overcompensate and avoid those traits?


Take EXTRA good care of yourself during the draining energy of the eclipse.


Breathwork, mindfulness, and grounding exercises are extra healing.


Sending lots of love to every part of you!



A Meditation To Clear Blockages and Align the Chakras