DIY Meditation Pillow: How to make your own Meditation Cushion

I've wanted to make a meditation pillow for a while and I finally worked up the momentum to really do it. Yay! Turns out it was sort of easy and sort of fun! Meditation pillows help keep you comfortable during your meditation by raising your hips up above your knees. Which means you can focus on taming your monkey mind instead of pins and needles in your legs. Here we go!

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I learned how to make this zafu meditation cushion from Buddha Mind

DIY meditation pillow: diy meditation cushion how to | zafu meditation cushion

Materials for you Meditation Pillow

  • Fabric!  60 x 9 inch rectangle and 2 big circles’ worth (11-13 inch diameter)  I bought 2/3 of a yard of apholstery fabric—you want something sort of thick to hold you up

  • Thread, needle, sewing machine, scissors, etc.

  • Organic Buckwheat Hulls or Organic Kapok Fiber

Iordered 5 pounds of these Organic Buckwheat Hulls. Isupplemented with some cotton stuffing but I wish I'd ordered 10 pounds. Ithink it would have made better pillow. The cotton left some lumps in myotherwise perfectly soft, moldable meditation cushion.  Also, my fabric wasn’t quite 60 inches longso I put 2 pieces together to augment the length.

How to Make Your Meditation Pillow

DIY meditation pillow: diy meditation cushion how to | zafu meditation cushion
DIY meditation pillow: diy meditation cushion how to | zafu meditation cushion
diy medication pillow | diy meditation cushion how diy medication pillow | diy meditation cushion how to | diy zafu cushiono | diy zafu cushion
diy medication pillow | diy meditation cushion how to | diy zafu cushion
DIY meditation pillow: diy meditation cushion how to | zafu meditation cushion
DIY meditation pillow: diy meditation cushion how to | zafu meditation cushion
DIY meditation pillow: diy meditation cushion how to | zafu meditation cushion
DIY meditation pillow: diy meditation cushion how to | zafu meditation cushion
DIY meditation pillow: diy meditation cushion how to | zafu meditation cushion
DIY meditation pillow: diy meditation cushion how to | zafu meditation cushion
DIY meditation pillow: diy meditation cushion how to | zafu meditation cushion
  1. Cut your fabric to size.  I traced my circles around a big pot and used a tape measure to get the rectangle just right

  2. Pleat your long rectangle.  Start 6 ½ inches from the left edge.  Mark along the top and bottom every 3 inches, then ¾ inch and ¾ inch (3, 3 ¾, 4 ½ and repeat).  The three dots will mark your pleats—fold the last dot to the first dot (using the middle dot to guide where the center of your fold will be) then the fabric will fold back to the right, like an accordion.  Pin, iron, and sew your pleats.

  3. Pin the right side of the pleated rectangle around the right side of one of the circles and sew those babies together.

  4. Sew the other circle onto the open end of the rectangle so you have an inside-out cylinder.  Your rectangle should overlap itself, leaving a hole between the layers

  5. Turn your pillow right-side out

  6. Stuff your pillow!  Put your buckwheat, kapok or whatever stuffing you’ve chosen into the pillow through that hole between the layers of the rectangle

  7. Hand-stich the hole closed

  8. Meditate your heart out. Need some tips?  Check out my fav meditation guide,Meditation for the Love of It: Enjoying Your Own Deepest Experience

Quartz, moonstone, rosewood mala for happiness, soothing, love and femininity

Check out meditation malas in my Etsy shop

Your Complete Guide for How to Start to Meditate: Practical Ideas and Encouragement for your Meditation Practice. This post gives detailed tips on how to start to meditate, including benefits, inspiration, what to focus on, how to sit, when to meditate and more #meditation #meditate #starttomeditate

See the book on Amazon

DIY meditation pillow: diy meditation cushion how to | zafu meditation cushion

DIY meditation pillow: diy meditation cushion how to | zafu meditation cushion


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