4 Simple Health Goals to Set When You’re Grieving

This Guest Article comes from Camille Johnson from bereaver.com.

Coping with grief can take a hefty toll on your body, mind, and soul, which is why it’s so important to find ways to care for yourself. Whether you’re in the first stages of grief or are still working on moving forward after losing a loved one, it’s essential to listen to your body and take care of your needs. This can be achieved by setting some healthy goals, and these don’t have to be major undertakings. Start small, such as by getting your sleep schedule on a more regular track, and you’ll see a big impact. 

Think, too, about your physical wellness and how it’s tied to things like stress or anxiety. Yoga and meditation are wonderful tools that will help you relax and practice mindfulness. Katia Yoga is a great place to start if you want to learn the basics; you can even take your first virtual class for free. Here are a few goals you can set that will guide you on the path to better overall wellness after dealing with the effects of grief:

Make the most of your career

Life is fleeting, and time is precious. These are things we often think about after losing a loved one, so it’s no surprise that you may be feeling ready for a change when it comes to your career. If you’ve experienced setbacks recently or feel you’ve stalled out professionally, consider starting your own business. It’s easier than ever to become an entrepreneur right now, especially if your business idea can be done from home. Just make sure you do a little research to find out more about your state’s laws; for instance, you’ll need a business license, and you’ll want to learn all you can about local tax requirements. Forming an LLC is a great way to garner tax benefits, and it will also give you some flexibility with the way you run your business. Every state has different regulations, so read up on how to start an LLC in Hawaii.

Manage your stress

Whether your stress is work-related or stems from the grief you’ve experienced, it’s important to learn how to manage it and find ways to prevent it. Not only do feelings of stress affect you emotionally, they can actually take a physical toll as well. You might consider talking to a therapist or counselor or learning new ways to relax, such as with a yoga routine. Journaling is also a wonderful tool for managing stress and grief because it allows us to clear our minds and leave the events of the day behind us. It can also help improve sleep quality when done on a regular basis.

Improve your sleeping habits

The quality of your sleep is impacted by many things, and in turn, the amount of good rest you get affects your mental and physical health. Grief can make restful sleep seem like it’s always out of reach, but there are some things you can do to make it come more easily. Setting aside devices before bed is a good start, but you can also get outside for a little while every day, start a sleep routine that includes activities that help you prepare for rest, and eat the right foods. 

Watch your diet

Like good sleep, sometimes eating right can be elusive when your mental and physical health has been impacted by a loss. However, the foods we eat– and the time of day we consume them– can be more beneficial when we choose them carefully. Whole grains, nuts, dark leafy greens, and lean proteins are just a few examples of the types of foods that will give you more energy and help you feel better as you work on healing.

Moving forward from grief doesn’t come with a guidebook; everyone is affected differently. However, by taking care of your body and focusing on a holistic approach to wellness, you can start the healing process on your own terms.

Have a question on how to get started with yoga or breathing techniques? Send a message at katiayoga.com.

Photo via Pexels


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