Lakshmi: Goddess of Success, Well-being and Beauty Laxmi

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The Goddess Lakshmi is a beautiful Hindu goddess.  Her name comes from the word Laksya, meaning aim or goal.  She is one of the many forms of shakti or feminine energy.  Lakshmi provides all kinds of abundance, such as wealth, happiness, beauty, and splendor.  She gives, protects and nourishes.  She is a source of strength.  It is said that she gives based on devotion and karma.  She also protects from bad health, difficulties and misfortune.  People often worship Lakshmi at home for good luck.  Lakshmi is especially popular with women.

She is typically seated on an 8-petaled lotus.  She has four hands, representing dharma, (righteousness) kama (desires), artha (wealth), and moksha (freedom from the cycle of rebirth).  In two of her hands, she is holding 2 lotuses, and in the other 2 hands, she is creating 2 mudras: abhaya (assurance) mudra and varada (giving) mudra.  She is usually dressed in red or gold.  She has long wavy hair.  Often two elephants are by her side, anointing her with water.  Lakshmi is Lord Vishnu's wife and companion.  She takes different forms to accompany each of his incarnations.  Lakshmi is the daughter of mother Durga.  Lakshmi herself is a mother goddess, addressed as mata (mother) instead of devi (goddess).*

Lakshmi's story

Probably the best-known story featuring Lakshmi is the story of her rebirth.  It starts with a battle between good (the gods) and evil (the demons).  Lakshmi supported Indra, the god of war, in his battle against the demons.  He successfully fought them off with her blessing until one day Indra was given a garland of flowers by a sage.  He was not interested in the flowers and flung them aside.  Lakshmi did not approve of this arrogant display so she left the gods' world and entered the Milky Ocean.  The gods started to be less successful in most of their pursuits.  People stopped making the offerings and the demons started to take over the world.  Especially Indra needed Lakshmi's blessing and support.  He knew he was to blame for the problems.  He went to Vishnu to ask for guidance.  Vishnu and Indra gathered the gods together and they started to churn the Milky Ocean.  After 1000 years, treasures began to rise, including an immortality elixir and Mahalakshmi on her lotus.  She helped restore the gods' power and success in vanquishing the demons and restore the people's reverence towards the gods.

How to connect with Mahalakshmi

You can chant her name or sing a mantra to her, like this one: Om Shreem Mahalakshmiyei Svaha

  • Om is the sound of the universe-- the beginning, middle and end.  This epic sound which starts many chants as it recognizes the divinity (starting with Ganesh- click here to see why) and is the bij mantra of the Crown Chakra

  • shreem is Lakshmi's bij mantra and is also associated with the the Third Eye Chakra

  • maha is a heart-felt term of endearment and reverence

  • yei is a shakti activating syllable

  • svaha marks the end of a mantra and literally means "well said" in a fire ceremony (havan), small grains (samagri) are thrown into the fire with the word svaha at end of each mantra

It's recommended that you chant it at least 108 times using a mala

Worshipping Lakshmi

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It is said that Lakshmi blesses anyone who shows sincere devotion will be blessed with fortune and success.  The festival of Diwali is an especially good time to worship Lakshmi.  Diwali celebrates the story of the Ramayana in which Sita (an incarnation of Lakshmi) is stolen from Lord Rama by the demon Ravana.  After the epic battle in which Rama won Sita back, the people lit candles along their path home to guide the way.  So during Diwali, people light candles to guide Lakshmi in homes that she will bless them with good fortune in the upcoming year.  Two days before Diwali the festival of Dhantares also celebrates Lakshmi.  People start new businesses and buy gold.  Lakshmi puja is celebrated on the full moon at the end of the monsoon season.  She is said to visit homes and replenish people's wealth during that night.  Friday is an auspicious day to celebrate Mahalakshmi. Lotus flowers, sandalwood, fruits and sweets can be offered to her.

The Goddess Lakshmi: learn her story, how people worship her and how you can connect. Goddess Laxmi- wealth and beauty


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