Third Eye Chakra | Ajna Chakra | Balance, Meditation, Mantra, Mudra, and More

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The Third Eye Chakra is called the Ajna chakra in Sanskrit.  It is located between your two eyebrows, slightly above them on your forehead, so it is also sometimes called the brow chakra.  It is responsible for seeing within the self and in the outer world.  This manifests as imagination, insight, foresight, openness, perception, and motivating creativity.  It's one of the more spiritual rather than physical chakras.

This chakra helps align the concept of "I" or the individual with the whole or the consciousness.  This means this chakra helps you see the interconnectedness of everything and feel free from the self, as part of the whole.+

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Third Eye Chakra | Ajna Chakra | Balance, Meditation, Mantra, Mudra, and More


An under-active third eye chakra leads to a feeling of monotony- like you're stuck in routine.  This scenario leads to a lack of clarity and perspective.  It can also lead to rejecting spirituality.

An over-active third eye chakra can lead to living in a sort of fantasy-- a loss-of-touch with reality.

Third Eye Chakra | Ajna Chakra | Balance, Meditation, Mantra, Mudra, and More

Balancing Techniques

Let your creative spirit soar!  Visualize, dream, but don't completely lose sight of the ground.  Let your mind rest from daily ponderings and wonderings with meditation or a walk in nature, especially under the moon.  Follow your intuition.  Trust it and yourself.


Try the Kaleshwar mudra.  With your middle fingers straight, press their finger tips together.  Bring the finger tips of the thumbs together too.  Bend all of the other fingers so that they can touch at the second knuckle.


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The mantra associated with the third eye chakra is a classic: aum (or om).  This is the sound of the universe.

Affirmations in English include

  • I trust my intuition

  • I care for my spirit

  • I am connected

  • I am open to inspiration

  • I love myself

  • I see


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Poses where your third eye is pointed toward the Earth like balasana (happy baby), half forward fold (ardha uttanasana), dolphin (ardha pincha mayurasana) and downward dog (adho mukha svanasana) can help.  Other strong poses assosciated with the third eye chakra include shoulder stand (salamba sarvangasana) and hero pose (virasana).


The third eye chakra is associated with a indigo or dark blue and sometimes blue-purple.  You can harness the energy of this chakra by surrounding yourself with this color- in your clothes and your home.Essential oils are also great for balancing the third eye chakra.  Try sandalwood, bay laurel, juniper, rosemary, vetiver (I recommend doTERRA oils because of their purity).Eating foods that are this color can help too like blueberries and blackberries, plums, eggplant and beets.Gems that help this chakra include lapis lazuli, amethyst, azurite, moonstone and crystal quartz.Rosemary, juniper and sandalwood aromatherapy also benefits the third eye chakra.


Also meditating on the color can help.  Try to focus your energy into your third eye and imagine an indigo ball of energy at your third eye.

Ajna Chakra

The third eye chakra is crucial to trusting and believing in yourself.  Intuition and creativity thrive when this chakra is open and balanced.

Third Eye Chakra | Ajna Chakra | Balance, Meditation, Mantra, Mudra, and More


Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo mantra


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