5 Steps for Starting Your Personal Yoga Practice

Photo from Pexels

Have you always been curious about yoga, but never got around to signing up for a class? Maybe you’ve been hesitant because you were afraid that you wouldn’t be “good” at yoga; well,  yoga is for everyone and everybody! If you’re ready to try yoga for the first time, you can find valuable tips and products from Katia Yoga. In the meantime, these tips can help you dive into the world of yoga!

Learn the Benefits of Yoga

Many women deal with high levels of stress in their daily lives - it’s tough to manage all of your responsibilities in our fast-paced society. Yoga can provide a temporary escape from the endless grind. You can apply the skills you learn in classes to your daily life, too. Women’s Health Magazine states that yoga can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, build up your resilience to stress, regulate your nervous system, and help you master the art of breathwork.

Get the Gear, Clothing and Bras You Need

Yoga does require some gear, but you won’t have to spend much money on equipment before getting started. You’ll probably want your own mat, and if you’re interested in practicing at home, you may also want to invest in a bolster, blocks, and straps for certain stretches.

You’ll also want to get some comfortable, functional workout clothes, such as athletic tank tops and comfortable yoga pants. It’s also a good idea to have a well-fitting sports bra - although yoga is a relatively low-impact activity, you still want to feel supported while you move around, especially if you have a larger bust size. When shopping online, look to a retailer where you can find supportive bras for harder to fit sizes. Look specifically for supportive bras without underwire in from sizes S to XXL-Busty with adjustable straps and soft fabric, and that come with a bra expander. 

Find a Studio

Now, it’s time to start looking for a local yoga studio that you like. Rather than immediately buying an unlimited class pass to a certain popular studio, try classes at a few different studios so that you can see which one suits you best. Sign up for classes with different teachers, check out studio events, and chat with other people in your classes to get to know them. 

You can also do yoga workouts at home if you don’t have a studio nearby, or if your budget is tight right now. If you’d prefer to practice at home, for the time being, Mind Body Green recommends sticking with a set sequence to focus deeply on specific poses, taking time to meditate with each session, and requiring a minimum practice time from yourself each day.

Try Different Styles

What if you’ve given yoga a fair shot, but so far, the practice just hasn’t resonated with you? Beginning yogis can benefit from trying out a few different styles of yoga to see what feels best. For example, you might prefer flexible vinyasa flows or the structured nature of an ashtanga class. When you need to truly relax, you might enjoy yin yoga, but when you want to push yourself, you may want to get out of your comfort zone with a hot yoga class.

Be Patient

When you’re just beginning your yoga practice, it’s easy to compare yourself to others - but trying to push yourself to attempt advanced postures before you’re ready can lead to injuries. Instead, be patient with yourself, and acknowledge your own physical limits. Remember, yoga isn’t a competition, so go at your own pace!

Lots of women find that yoga helps them relieve stress, regulate their emotions, and improve their physical health. If you’ve ever worried that yoga would be too difficult, don’t fret - no matter your ability level, you can get a lot out of yoga! Simply gather anything you need to feel comfortable, find a studio or online class, and go for it!

Ready to kickstart your own wellness journey? Check out the Katia Yoga shop! Head to our website to browse our online store today.

This article was written by Camille from bereaver.com


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