17 Easy Ideas to Add Self-Care to Your Busy Day

17 self-care tips and ideas that are quick and easy for your busy day, like mindfulness and gratitude #selfcare"You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes a day, unless you're too busy; then you should sit for an hour" -Zen adage

There's some truth to this funny quote.  If you don't have time to take care of yourself-- mind, body, and spirit, then you really MUST make the time.  It's a quick and easy way to burn out if you're not making time for yourself.  I'd love to say yoga for an hour, meditate for 30 minutes, journal for 20 minutes, or have an hour-long bubble bath.  But you're busy!  I know!  Honestly, even a moment of self-care helps.  If you're thinking, "well, I really don't have the time!" then I have some ideas for you![Just so you know, this post contains some affiliate links, meaning if you click through and buy something I will receive a small commission]

Morning Affirmation OR Intention

When you wake up, in that moment between your alarm going off and your feet hitting the floor, take a moment to state an affirmation-- something to encourage yourself and be the motto for your day.  Something you can come back to in tough moments to be your mini-pep-talk.  It might sound weird, but saying it aloud makes it far more powerful.  Here are some examples:

  • I can and I will
  • I am energetic and vibrant
  • I am thankful for all of the blessings coming to me today
  • I choose to be happy
  • I am open to love
  • I am powerful and limitless
  • I am open to abundance

Alternatively, set an intention-- something that you want to achieve for the day.  A moment-to-moment goal.  Again, you want something you can come back to again and again to remind yourself to do your best or be your best self.  Here are some ideas:

  • Today I will take care of myself
  • Today I will give my full effort
  • Today I will focus on the moment
  • Today I will be friendly
  • Today I will embody peace
  • Today I will take in all of the love around me

Appreciate your coffee or tea

Instead of taking your morning brew on the go, take a few minutes to sit down and savor it a bit.  Even if you only have time for a couple of slow sips in the car before you start to drive, that helps!  Just be in the moment, letting that hot liquid goodness warm you, body and beyond.


Singing in the morning makes you happier all day.  Truly.  Don't worry about who's watching in the car next to you.  Get your joy on.  Belt it out!


Smile all the time!!  At everyone and at no one.  It's good for you!  Smiling improves your mood even if you force it.  AND it's contagious.  When people see your smile, they can't help but be a little happier and they'll meet you in thae space of your high vibe.+

Break time outside

The Today is Beautiful Happy Tank Top is a cute yoga tank with a good vibes inspirational quote- great gift for someone who likes yoga or meditation #yogatankNeed a breath of fresh air?  Probably more than you realize!  Remember how awesome it was in school to go outside for recess?  Even if you were an introvert that liked to play with the math puzzles, I bet you liked to have at least ONE outside recess.  It's nice to be in touch with what's happening outside-- how's the weather really?  Feel it with your own skin, get your Vitamin D.  Observe your surroundings- be mindful of being in the moment- for a moment.Did you know if you procrastinate a little and take a break, your mind eeps working on the project in the background?  You can come up with more creative solutions to problems and better ideas by... not working? True story.

Restroom Break

If you work in a place that's big enough to have more than one restroom, consider going to one that's further away.  You'll get a new perspective on the way-- physically and maybe mentally too.  Maybe you'll see someone outside of your usual routine.  Your legs will move a bit more, sending fresh blood pumping around your body, refreshing your mind.  Also, it's a time that's private.  No one can see you.  If you need to close your eyes for a minute to take some breaths or stretch a little, you can.  Even in a small stall, trust me.  I've done it.

Other Short Breaks

If you have a private space or if you feel comfortable, consider some pranayama-- some mindful, healing breaths.Or do a short meditation.  Maybe use an app for a short guided meditation or just set a timer and focus on your breath.  Try some Thich Nhat Hanh mantras to compliment your breaths

  • breathing in I feel calm, breathing out I feel ease
  • breathing in my breath grows deep, breathing out my breath grows long
  • breathing in I dwell in the present moment, breathing out I know it is a wonderful moment

Alternatively, stretch your body!  Keep your legs straight (but don't lock your knees) and let your head hang down.  This sort of inversion sends blood to your head and starts things moving a bit.  Or on tiptoes, shake it out!  This also gets the blood going-- it will perk you right up!  Cat-cow is an awesome way to reset your spine. In the same tabletop position, you can look over your shoulder towards your hip, opening your opposite side body- shift side to side, stretch both sides.  Spine bending is especially important if you're in the same position for most of the day.  Your spine can stretch in 6 different ways.  Let it move.  Neck rolls!  Most people hunch forward and push their head out toward their screen or whatever work they do.  Give your neck a break by rolling it out.

Essential Oils

Essential Oils can help improve your moodEverything you want to know about doTERRA essential oils-- how to join doterra, essential oils for beginners, essential oils for anxiety, how to join doterra team, doterra wellness advocate, doterra wholesale membership, and more (though nothing is guaranteed).  For example, lemongrass helps with calm and clarity.  Peppermint helps with concentration.  Orange can improve optimism.  Tea tree helps with mental strength.

Close some tabs: Mindfulness

Literally and mentally.  The brain is a fantastic, whirring machine that can do so many things at once-- you are the ultimate multi-tasker.  But sometimes that's not great for you.  If you take your time and focus on one thing at a time, I bet you'll feel calmer and like you have more control.  You can actually get more done if you focus on each task individually and do them sequentially.  Keep a post-it handy and write down those other ideas so you won't forget and you don't have to keep them in the front of your brain.  Then let them go.  Just do whatever you need to do right now.  The cool, fancy word for this is mindfulness.  Focus fully on one thing at a time.

"Slow down, you move too fast.  You've got to make the morning last!  Just kicking down the cobblestones. Looking for fun and feelin' groooovy!  Ba da da da da da da feelin' groovy!"  - Simon and Garfunkel: 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy)

Turn off some notifications

Change some settings on your phone.  You don't really need notifications dinging at you all day long to tell you someone left a comment on your friend's photo.  Turn off push notifications for things you don't urgently need to know about.  That little number in the corner of the app icon is perfet to let you know something is waiting for you once you've logged into your phone.  You don't need all the details interrupting your day.If you really want to get something done, silence your phone for a bit.  It's so much easier to be present without beeps and blips and rings.

Delight your senses

All 5!  Treat yourself!  At least take the time to notice the positive input your senses are sending you.  Doesn't the coffee shop smell great?  What a fantastic buttery-soft roll for your sandwich!  The clouds today are beautiful.  If you listen, there's a bird chirping.  Isn't warm water nice on a cold day?

After work

Pink quartz, moonstone and rosewood mala for happiness, love, femininity and calmSweet freedom is yours!  One of the most important things you can do for yourself is create a down-shifting routine.  How can you separate your work life and your home life?  You have to leave work at work.  You have to disconnect and unplug so you can really, truly relax.  What do you do that draws that line in the sand-- "now work is done and I am home.  I am done.  I can just do and be me."  Examples are something like petting your dog, meditating, doing a little yoga practice or stretch, changing your clothes, running, watering the garden.  This is a great time to pause and do something you love.  Draw a little doodle, journal-- one thing you did well and one thing you can improve or your intention/affirmation for the day and how it served you.


At dinner, savor each bite.  Think about the flavors and focus on the love and the process that brought you the meal.  Talk about the good things that happened.  If you need to vent a little, no worries, but don't harp on the bad.  Ty to bring your conversation and your mind around to the positive.  With practice, it will come.

Before bed

When you finally get into bed, think of things that went well.  Remember your day with positivity.  And think of things you can be grateful for.  An attitude of gratitude is so beneficial to every part of your being.  Appreciate everything big and small.  Look for things to be happy about and grateful for.  I bet you'll find them.  It's a spiral-- the more gratitude you show, the more you'll find to be grateful for.


If you have your own easy self-care ideas please share them in the comments!17 self-care ideas and tips that are quick and easy for your busy day, like mindfulness and gratitude #selfcare17 self-care tips and ideas that are quick and easy for your busy day, like mindfulness and gratitude #selfcare


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