Self Care Tips for People Starting a Side Hustle

A side hustle has many benefits, from diversifying your income to netting you more cash. However, taking on a second gig alongside a full-time job can be a lot to handle. It's critical to take care of yourself physically and mentally in order to minimize the risk of burnout. There are simple steps you can take to ensure you're feeling your best, which will also allow you to deliver peak performance on the job. Follow these tips from Katia Yoga to get started.

Embrace a Healthy Diet and Exercise Routine

A healthy diet and regular exercise will improve your function mentally and physically. Healthline provides a guide to nutritious eating with an emphasis on whole foods. These fresh goods tend to have less salt, sugar, and additives than processed items. When it comes to exercise, try at-home workouts like lunges and burpees to get in shape. These moves are effective and don't take long, so you can squeeze them into a busy schedule.

Make Sure You're Getting Enough Sleep

Sleep gives your mind and body an opportunity to rest and recharge. The average adult should get at least seven hours of sleep every night. You can help promote good sleep by making your bedroom a snooze-friendly zone. Invest in comfy bedding, eliminate extra noise with a sound machine, and install blackout curtains to keep out light. Aromatherapy scents like lavender and chamomile can also help you fall asleep.

Get Proactive About Tackling Stress Head-On

Stress is a part of everyday life that you can't avoid completely. However, it's important to be able to manage stress when it arises. Meditation is a great way to center your mind and alleviate anxiety. It requires you to focus on the present and regulate your breathing, which can mentally and physically calm you down. If you've never meditated before, try a beginner's guided meditation from HeadSpace. 

Use Tech Tools to Streamline Everyday Processes

When you're balancing a main gig, a side hustle, and everyday life, you're juggling a lot. Make things easier at every level by leveraging the power of modern technology. For example, use an online invoice generator to streamline the payment process and take the sting out of bookkeeping. Other handy technology that can help you save time and stress includes task management tools, meeting schedulers, and e-signature apps.

Know When to Outsource 

Trying to "do it all" when starting a side gig can leave you burned out. Outsource tasks to save time when possible. For example, if you want to register your side hustle as a limited liability company, a business formation service can help (and save you money as it costs less than a lawyer). Rules differ according to the state, so check your local guidelines before proceeding. 

Schedule 15 Minutes of "Do Nothing" Time Every Day

Sometimes, you've got to give yourself a break from it all. Taking time to do nothing is critical for your mental health, giving you the necessary time to reinforce learning and process emotions. Set aside 15 minutes every day to do nothing. You might go for a walk, enjoy a coffee, or read a book, for example. The point is to do something you enjoy that isn't geared toward any objective.

Starting a side hustle can be an exciting and fulfilling challenge. However, it's still important to leave time for yourself. The above guide can help! Remember, giving yourself time for self-care isn’t just about safeguarding your own mental health; it also boosts your long term productivity as well!

Katia Yoga is here to help you explore a deeper side of yoga with you, along with how to make yoga a real part of your everyday life. If you have any questions, please contact me.

This article was written by Camille at


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