Ready to Maximize Your Earnings as a Yoga Teacher?

If you're giving your heart and soul to teaching yoga and not quite receiving the compensation you'd like in return, you're not alone.  Grab your copy of the 10 Ways Yoga Teachers Can Earn More Guide.

Inside this 8-page guide, you'll discover:

  • How to increase profits with existing clients and classes

  • How to attract more clients and make the most of your time with them

  • How to expand profitability without adding more teaching hours

    Enter your email below to get the guide now.

Put your best email address in to get your 10 Ways to Earn More Guide

Meet me... Hi, I'm Katia

Aloha from the big island! I am a yoga teacher, reiki master, and coach. I love exploring this beautiful Earth and taking yoga with me wherever I go! I started learning yoga back in 2005. Now, I practice hatha, kundalini, bikram, and ashtanga. I love learning new styles and sharing the joy of yoga with anyone who will listen. It's my mission to empower others who love to share the beautiful gift of yoga too. Can't wait to get to know you and your yoga journey!

Any questions? Contact Me!

I love to help in any way I can!  I'm here for you!  Click HERE to contact me.


We are not trying to help people get rich quick; this is not a money-making opportunity and we are only helping people learn how to boost the impact of their yoga businesses.