New Year, New You Journal Prompts

What a year we've had! I've been talking to a lot of women recently through my wellness coaching about their reflections on 2020 and what 2021 may bring. 2020 has had its own special challenges which we have never faced before. Most people are about ready to say "good riddance" to 2020, but it has also been a catalyst for transformation for many people, even in small ways!

I'm writing this post today to give you some ideas for journaling your way into 2021 and to send you lots of good wishes for a beautiful new year filled with love, health, gratitude, joy, peace, and abundance.

Here are some prompts to consider (or pick and choose from):


What was your biggest challenge in 2020?

What would you like to leave behind in 2020?

What/who would you like to forgive from 2020?

What was the biggest lesson you learned in 2020?

What was the greatest gift you received in 2020?

What are you most proud of from 2020?

New Year Journal Prompts

Looking ahead:

What does your dream life look like? (eg. Where do you live? Who is part of your life? What do you do for work? What is in your bank account? What do you eat? How do you exercise/move? How do you fill your cup? How do you practice spirituality and/or creativity? How do you practice self-care? What are your hobbies? How do you feel?)

How can you narrow the gap between your current life and your dream life in 2021? What actions can you (will you!) take?

How will you take care of yourself this year? How will you show up for yourself? Accept yourself? Love yourself?

How will you practice gratitude this year?

What aspects of your highest self would you like to embody in 2021? What actions would you take as your highest self? Take them!

What are your goals for 2021? How will you know when you've reached them? What steps will you take to reach them?

*(goals are outcome-driven and measurable, and intentions are feeling- and theme-based)

What are your intentions for 2021?

Write down 10 adjectives you want to describe this year. Choose one as your mantra for 2021 that will help guide you through every moment.

Final Thoughts:

Here in Hawai'i, we'll be some of the last people on Earth experiencing the very end of 2020 (I know you may be reading this from the future in 2021 already!). Tonight, I plan to visit Kīlauea, our erupting volcano, to take in some fiery inspiration for 2021. The glow is incredible. Then I'll be sitting down with some candles, crystals, and tea to answer these questions myself. I already know that this year I'm going to leave my day-job. I'll also take illuminated action to renew my commitment to my businesses, helping others, and my personal health and wellness. I'm excited to see where the path will lead. Here's a quote that seems a little harsh, but I like it and feel it's relevant: Burn the ship because we're never going back!

New Year Journal Prompts

I'd love to hear from you- how are you celebrating? What did you take away from 2020? What's on the horizon in 2021?

May all of your wishes come true,


P.S. If you'd like to connect about coaching feel free to email me: :)

See you in the new year!


New Moon Intention Journaling


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