Taking Care of Yourself During the Holidays

by Jason Lewis

When the holidays roll around, it's as important to remember to give back a little to yourself. Here are some ideas for your holiday self-care
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In theory, the holidays are a time to relax, enjoy the company of your loved ones, share gifts with your family, and indulge in your favorite foods. But in reality, someone has to make that food, buy those gifts, and clean the house before your relatives come over. It's never as relaxing as you want it to be. 

When this time of the year rolls around, it's as important as ever to remember to give back a little to yourself. Don't forget your self-care routine when the holiday season comes around this year.

Get Enough Sleep

When you feel like you have too much on your plate, you may neglect to get the sleep you need. However, Healthline points out you should prioritize getting your seven to eight hours of sleep to ensure that your days can be as productive as possible. Lack of sleep will lead to the inability to relax during the day. You'll feel unfocused and won't be able to get as much checked off your to-do list. If you struggle to fall asleep, consider relaxation techniques like meditation or practicing yoga before bed.

Shop for Yourself

Gift shopping can be super stressful, even if you think you have a fool-proof game plan. If it all gets to be too much and you feel yourself getting stressed, go ahead and pick out a gift for yourself. While you shouldn't make it a habit to spend your money in order to feel better, the occasional bout of retail therapy won't hurt. You'll feel happy pampering yourself with a gift, and it may just be the rejuvenation you need to get things done!

Don't Neglect Exercise

When we get busy, exercising is usually one of the first things we let fall by the wayside. Don't let that happen to you this holiday season! Especially important if you like to indulge in a few extra sweet treats this time of year, exercising will keep you both fit and less stressed during this busy time. 

Don't Eat or Drink Your Feelings

If things become overwhelming, remind yourself not to overindulge in your favorite treats or holiday cocktails. The holidays often bring up baggage in the form of nagging relatives you don't see regularly, reminders of family losses, or meeting the high expectations of your parents and in-laws. It's important to acknowledge these feelings and deal with them in a healthy way instead of turning to extra food or alcohol. 

Everyday Health explains emotional eating or drinking will often result in forming more bad habits, additional anxiety, and future dependence issues. Talk about your feelings with your partner, a friend, or close family member in a safe atmosphere where you can vent, and don't let yourself fall down any rabbit holes.

Schedule Me-Time

While you spend your days this holiday season caring for everyone else, don't forget to step back and reserve some time for yourself, as well. Self-care is as important as ever during the busy holidays. If you struggle to remember to make time, write it in your calendar or set a reminder on your phone. Do whatever you need to do to remember to treat yourself, and actually follow through on it! 

With the holidays approaching, it’s more important than ever to remember to take care of yourself. Get enough sleep, grab a gift for yourself, exercise, eat right, and set aside some downtime. Follow these self-care tips to ensure you have a safe, memorable, and fun holiday season with your friends and family.

When the holidays roll around, it's as important to remember to give back a little to yourself. Here are some ideas for your holiday self-care


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